You've obviously made your way to this page because you're in search of Bible verses. You'll be happy to know that this entire website is devoted entirely to Bible verses with a large number of different generators containing Bible verses on numerous different topics the Bible discusses. If there's a topic you'd like to know more about, we likely have a generator for verses that mention it so you can find exactly what the Bible says about it.
Using the generators on this website is simple and straightforward enough that even a child can use it. All you need to do is pick the number of Bible passages you'd like to see each time and then click the button. You'll instantly see random Bible verses in the exact number you indicated. If you're more comfortable with a list of Bible verses, we have that for you too. Simple scroll to the bottom of the page and you'll see a list of 20 random Bible verses that change each time you refresh the page.
Why Bible Verses?
We sometimes get queries as to why we placed the verses in a generator and dispense them randomly rather than have a long list of the Bible verses for you to read through. We believe that random Bible verses can be one of the best ways to study the Bible, especially if you have become accustomed to studying it in a typical way. If you're not familiar with random generators, the below examples of how this Bible verse generator is typically used will give you some ideas to determine if using this free tool would be useful in your daily Bible study.
Daily Bible Verse
There's no better way to begin each day than to do so with the word of God. One of the easiest and most convenient ways to do this is by reading a daily Bible verse. The Bible verse generator makes this even easier. With a click of a button, you have a random Bible verse before you to contemplate for the rest of the day. By putting your focus onto a single Bible verse of the day, you can spend quality time considering God's words and how they are important to your life.
Discovering the Bible Again
Most of us have Bible verses that we read time and again to gain strength and feel God's love. While this is an important part of any relationship with God, it often means we neglect large parts of the Bible as we concentrate on our favorites. By using a random Bible verse generator, you have the opportunity to rediscover other Bible passages you may have forgotten, and you'll likely discover new verses that will become favorites. It's a wonderful way to fall in love with the Bible all over again. God knows what you need to read in your life and random Bible verses are a way for that information to get to you.
Improve Your Bible Knowledge
Nothing brings you closer to God than expanding your knowledge of His word. Taking the time to generate random Bible verses and expanding your overall knowledge of what's in the Holy Book is a wonderful way to bring yourself closer to God. Getting random verses ensures that you truly know the ones that you have previously studied and learned, and the new ones will stand out so they will be easier to learn and remember. The more you learn the verses of the Bible, the closer you will find yourself to God.
Stay Connected with God
It would be great if we all had more time to study the Bible, but that's simply not possible for many people these days. There are numerous reasons that spending an hour or more each day reading the Holy Book just isn't feasible for some, but spending even a little time with God's words is better than nothing at all. Nobody can have a good excuse as to why they can't read a single Bible verse a day. Making this simple effort can help you stay connected with God even during the busiest times in your life.
Sleeping on God's Words
There's not a better way to fall asleep than with the words of God running through your head as you doze off. A wonderful way to do this is to pick a single Bible verse to repeat over and over as you fall asleep, letting its meaning sink deep into your unconscious thoughts. You may even gain a better and unique understanding of the Bible passage as your mind continues to digest it's true meaning while you sleep. Sleeping on God's words is a wonderful way to discover new insights about Bible verses and what God wants you to learn from them.
These are only a few examples of how this random Bible verse generator can help you learn more about the Bible and thus get closer to God and His words. While it'll never replace reading directly from the Bible, it can be an excellent way to supplement your Bible reading. This is especially true since you get to choose the number of Bible passages you see with each click ensuring that you are able to consume the information in the exact amount you want each time. All of this can help you get closer to the Holy Book and God.
We hope you have found our Bible verse tool useful. We want this Bible Verse Generator to be the best possible. If you have any suggestions on how we can change it to make it more useful for you and your biblical studies, please take the time to send us a note telling us how. In addition, if there's a Bible topic that we don't have a dedicated generator for all the verses about that topic which you'd like us to add, let us know and we'll do our best to create that tool for you.
List of Bible Verses